Mar 21, 2011

Super Moon?

Penacook church&moon (425x640)

     Well, it was a good moon. Certainly brighter than usual. We were visiting my daughter in NH this weekend and unfortunately in her location the horizon was covered with a fairly heavy cloud bank. It was high enough that we were unable to see the illusion we had hoped to capture. We did catch this sight.


This is a pretty little town. I would liked to have been in a spot to include the moon bathed river that was in the foreground but , there was a chain link fence between me and the river.

Now if you know me, that’s a good thing! They don’t call me Grace for nothingLaughing out loud.

I have yet to check the shots that were taken with the long lens. If there’s anything good, you’ll be the first to see it.


Have a great evening.

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