Mar 12, 2011

Amazing Education


If anyone loves birds and especially these beauties, you have to check out this site.

There is a live feed of a nesting pair. They are hatching 3 eggs. One is due to hatch any minute. It is so amazing to watch. There is a running comment section that is moderated and you can pose questions and get immediate answers.

I have learned so much about these amazing birds this morning I can’t wait to share it with the kids at school. This cam will follow the eaglets until they leave the nest some time in June. I have set this link on my computer! One touch and I am there! Sorry, no cards today, Mother Nature is stealing the show!

Please, do yourself a favor and take a look.

Did you know it is a proven fact that bird watching lowers stress levels and blood pressure?

1 comment:

Patti aka NW Lady said...

Oh I saw this on the news, we missed seeing them hatch but loved watching Momma take care of them. I was just hoping it wouldn't show up close and personal what she was feeding them, luckily all I saw were the feathers, lol.