Ho, ho, ho! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. The man himself, (Yes, I live with Santa!) and I are visiting the youngest of the clan and gingerly walking around a house that looks like the Lego factory threw up in it. Never have I seen so many pieces! I must admit, though, that the castle and Harry Potter sets are amazing. My grandson played from 12:00 - 8:30 with a short break for dinner. Amazing, I was not aware that a 5 year old had an attention span that elastic! Some of the simpler sets are excellent methods for developing attention to detail, following directions, fine motor and eye-hand coordination. Ack! Teacher talk on vacation. . . that is banned in this house! We are awaiting a blizzard here tonight so we might get a little stamping in tomorrow. . . Oh, boy! More messes in the dining room. I hope the men know how to stand up and eat!
Enjoy the after Christmas stupor ;-) Diets begin in earnest next week!
Enjoy the after Christmas stupor ;-) Diets begin in earnest next week!
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